connect_error) { header("Location: dberror.html"); exit(); } $sError=''; $sRedir=$_GET['longurl']; if ( ereg("^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$",$sRedir ) ) { $sStmt=$oDB->prepare("select realurl from longurl where id=?"); $sStmt->bind_param("s",$sRedir); $sStmt->execute(); $sStmt->bind_result($sNewURL); $sStmt->fetch(); print "$sNewURL $sRedir
"; if ( $sNewURL!='' ) { header("Location: $sNewURL"); exit(); } else { $sError="URL Not Found"; } } else { $sRedir=''; } if ( $_POST['wtf']=='wtf' ) { $sURL=$_POST['url']; if ( ! ereg("^(http[s]?)|(ftp)://",$sURL) ) { $sURL='http://'.$sURL; } if (ereg("^((http[s]?)|(ftp))://([^/]+)/?(.*)$",$sURL,$aMatch) ) { $sMethod=$aMatch[1]; $sHost=$aMatch[4]; $sRest=$aMatch[5]; $sIP=gethostbyname($sHost); if ( $sIP==$sHost ) { $sIP=long2ip(ip2long($sHost)); if ( $sIP!=$sHost ) { $sError="Bad Host Name"; } } $sURL=$sMethod."://".$sHost."/".$sRest; } else { $sError="Bad URL"; } } ?>
Because I am sick of all these URL shortening services, I wrote this URL lengthening service. Here is how it works: Enter your long and uggly URL below. Click submit, and in return get an even longer and ugglier URL back.
Right now, there is no preview option. Preview takes the excitement out of clicking random links.
All URLs created by the service (including the http:// part) are exactly 140 characters long.
$sError"; if ( $sError=='' ) { $sLongURL=$sBaseURL; $sLongURLID=sha1($sURL).md5($sURL).sha1($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $sLongURLID=substr($sLongURLID,0,140-strlen($sLongURL)); print "Your Long URL:
"; $sStmt=$oDB->prepare("select count(*) from longurl where id=?"); $sStmt->bind_param("s",$sLongURLID); $sStmt->execute(); $count=0; $sStmt->bind_result($count); $sStmt->fetch(); $sStmt->close(); if ($count==0 ) { if ( $sStmt=$oDB->prepare("insert into longurl (id, realurl, created, createby) values (?,?,now(),?)") ) { $sStmt->bind_param("sss",$sLongURLID,$sURL,$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $sStmt->execute(); } } } } ?>